Adjunct Professor Matthew Weber
Visicog: NYU Usability
New York City Startups:
Would you like a small army of usability students working on your web app?
In the Spring 2013 semester, the NYU SCPS Usability II: Essentials class will be taking on a local NYC startup as a class project. The entire class will perform research, create tests, and redesign key aspects of your site in an effort to build traffic, retain, and convert users.
All of this can be yours, but it comes at a price:
- You must donate server space for the class. The students will be running A/B tests on landing pages they design for your site.
- You must be available to come in and speak to the class on March 27th and April 17th 2013
- You must be using Google Analytics, and be willing to share your data with the class
Questions? Please use the contact form.
Application Deadline is Friday, March 15, 2013